Club Vulkan Live Casino

Ovaj casino ne prihvaća igrače s vaše lokacije.
Kliknite ovdje provjerite kockarnice koje prihvaćaju igrače iz Sjedinjenih Država.
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Club Vulkan Live Casino
Ocijenjen 5 /5 uključeno 1 recenzije
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Club Vulkan Live Casino Informacija

💰 Bonus ponuda: $560
🤵 Softver za igre uživo: NetEnt, Vivo Gaming
❓ Osnovano: 2012
➡️ Depozit: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Maestro, MasterCard, Piastrix, Tether, Visa
⬅️ Isplata: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Maestro, MasterCard, Piastrix, Tether, Visa
🔥 Ograničenje povlačenja: $10,300 per month
✅ Jezici: Russian
❌ Zabranjene zemlje: Afghanistan, Aland Islands, American Samoa, Andorra, Anguilla, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bonaire, Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Costa Rica, Curacao, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Holy See, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Kiribati, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Macau, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Micronesia, Montserrat, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia, Niger, Norfolk Islands, North Korea, Northern Mariana Islands, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine State, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Pitcaim, Rwanda, Saba, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint-Barthélemy, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Solomon Islands, South Georgia, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United States Virgin Islands, United States of America, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
📞 Podrška: [email protected]

Igre na Club Vulkan Live Casino

Club Vulkan Live Casino Pregled

Media Entertainment N.V. launched the legit Club Vulkan Casino in 2012 and packed the gambling site with a range of advantages for players. The site is aimed at Russian-speaking players, so all its services are adjusted accordingly. Gamblers can choose from local payment options, including bank cards operating within the country, to play in RUB and USDT for cryptocurrency users. Registration is available not only via a standard method with an email address but also through Russian and global social media pages. The majority of online casino games here are traditional slots like Crazy Monkey and Resident, so the range of live dealer software is somewhat limited. However, players can find some live games from Vivo Gaming, including European Auto Roulette and Oracle 360 Roulette. This Vulkan Casino review will cover all the details about the casino bonuses, deposit turnover requirements, payout limits, and other things to consider.

Deposit options in Club Vulkan Casino

To play at Vulkan Casino for real money, players need to create an account, which takes up to a few minutes, and pick one of the deposit options at the cashdesk. You can create the Club Vulkan casino login via a standard registration method by providing an email address or mobile phone. Besides, users can log in through lots of popular social media networks, including global ones like Facebook and Russian sites like VK (VKontakte) and Odnoklassniki.

After registration, you choose a payment method and deposit in RUB or alternative currencies which can be converted accordingly (for convenience, we’ll convert all the limits to USD). There is a field for a deposit bonus code, but we should note that Vulkan online casino doesn’t provide bonuses for live dealer games. According to the online casino’s terms, the minimum deposit is approximately $0.50, but the limits may vary depending on the method you pick. Please note that the limits in USD may vary due to the volatile exchange rate.

  • Bitcoin: $16 to $10,300
  • Visa Alternative, Mastercard Alternative: $1 to $10,300
  • Piastrix: $0.50 to $1000
  • Uzcard Alternative: $1 do $1000
  • Binance Pay, SBP (СБП) P2P: $1 to $2600
  • SBP (СБП) mobile: $1 to $100
  • Tether TRC20, Tether ERC20: from 0.99 USDT
  • Ethereum: from 0.0186 ETH
  • QIWI e-wallet, U-money (ЮMoney): $1 to $500
  • VTB (ВТБ): $3 to $500
  • Litecoin: from 0.0163 LTC

The operator also warns users that the amount written off their balance when depositing may be larger than the total deposit amount due to the conversion rate. During your deposit, the funds are processed through third-party services where the total sum is displayed in another currency. Thus, the gap between the amount you deposit and the amount written off is the conversion rate fee.

Withdrawal options in Club Vulkan Casino

Club Vulkan is a real casino where players can win real money and withdraw these winnings according to the operator’s limits and other T&Cs attached. The minimum withdrawal amount is $1 for e-wallets and $30 for bank cards. However, you should check the conditions for a particular method on a payments page when processing a cashout since the limits may also vary depending on your option. Club Vulkan allows customers to process withdrawals via almost all the same methods available for deposits, including Visa Alternative, Mastercard Alternative, and cryptocurrency casino methods like Binance Pay Out and Ethereum.

Withdrawal times at Club Vulkan online casino vary depending on the amount you cash out. If the payment is less than $200, it takes the online casino up to 3 days to process this request. Moreover, when you withdraw on a bank card, it may take up to 5 days more on the payment method’s site to process the transaction, though, in practice, the transfers are much faster. If the withdrawal amount exceeds $150, the online casino divides this amount into several requests up to $150 each. This won’t affect your total limits, extra fees, the processing time, or anything else in this regard.

Interestingly, when you request a withdrawal, you still see the money on your balance until the money is fully withdrawn. This happens because the money isn’t frozen or written off your balance at once and you can use the money to continue playing if you decide to close the cashout request (when the balance during your gameplay is lower than the amount requested to cash out, the request is automatically closed).

Withdrawal verification in Club Vulkan Casino 

For withdrawal amounts of over $1000, Club Vulkan requires verification. Players send a scanned copy of an ID and photos of both sides of a bank card (only the first six and the last four digits of the card number displayed) for payouts with this method. When you have questions about your payment, the 24/7 live chat manager can check the status of your transaction and solve other issues. Besides, Club Vulkan has detailed FAQs, but you should note that they are available in Russian only.

Deposit turnover at Club Vulkan Casino

Club Vulkan online casino requires a 2x deposit turnover applied to all its deposits. When this requirement isn’t met, there are restrictions depending on the level at the loyalty program. For VIP players with a status of Znatok and higher, there is a fee of 10% to 30%:

  • Znatok: 30% of the withdrawal amount
  • Specialist: 20% of the withdrawal amount
  • Master, Expert, Professional: 10% of the withdrawal amount

Please note that players with the lowest Novichok and Lubitel statuses who haven’t met this requirement can’t withdraw funds at all. One more essential factor to note is that only slots and instant games (except for Aviator from Spribe) are counted towards playthrough turnover, while table games and live dealer games are not counted. That’s why players who visit Club Vulkan Casino to play live dealer games should also try out slot machines to meet the deposit turnover and effortlessly withdraw money.

Club Vulkan mobile casino

Club Vulkan is an online mobile casino where users can play on various iOS and Android devices. Vivo Gaming is the main supplier of live games for the Club Vulkan online gambling site, and its mobile optimisation is impressive. Players can try out mobile live games and alternative software like slots and RNG table games on smartphones, tablets, and other devices. When you visit the site through an Android device, the casino will offer to install the app by downloading the .apk file. This way, you will access the site’s functionality on a smaller screen yet with no limitations. Both desktop and mobile versions have convenient filters to find live software through a special menu section or via a search bar.

Live game providers in Club Vulkan Casino

Compared to other giants where you find loads of strong live dealer providers, the Club Vulkan live casino works only with Vivo Gaming. But this brand is still enough to provide players with realistic games with dealers (25 games on the site). Vivo Gaming was founded in San Jose, Costa Rica in 2010. In 2020, the brand partnered with the Portomaso land-based casino to make streams from a real gambling hall. 

The same year, the provider was certified by GLI (Global Laboratories International). In 2022, Vivo Gaming was awarded at the EGR B2B Awards 2022 as Live Casino Supplier Winner. The company continues displaying its live software on the global gambling market, including events like the SBC Summit Barcelona in September 2023.

Live roulette in Club Vulkan Casino

Većina casino igara s djeliteljima uživo u Club Vulkan Casinu su rulet igre tvrtke Vivo Gaming. Ove igre ruleta mogu imati različite studije i neke posebne elemente dodane osnovnom igranju, ali općenito, imate pristup standardnim opcijama klađenja koje su raznolike kako bi odgovarale igračima s različitim bankrollovima i preferencijama (par/nepar, desetke, ravno-up itd.). ). Postoji 11 igara ruleta uživo koje možete igrati za stvarna sredstva s djeliteljima, uključujući sljedeće najbolje varijacije:

  • Francuski rulet
  • Europski automobilski rulet
  • Portomaso rulet
  • American Roulette
  • Oracle 360 Roulette
  • Vivo Aladdin Roulette

Zanimljivo je da se Oracle 360 Roulette i Portomaso Roulette ne emitiraju iz tradicionalnih internih studija za kockanje, već iz stvarnih kockarnica, tako da igrači mogu vidjeti stvarne posjetitelje i osjetiti još realističniju atmosferu.

Blackjack uživo u klubu Vulkan Casino

U klubu Vulkan postoji samo jedna live blackjack igra, pa ćemo je detaljno pregledati. Igrači mogu pristupiti Bulgaria Blackjacku iz relativno novog europskog studija osnovanog 2021. Ovaj studio regulira Bugarska državna komisija za kockanje. Kao i obično, igrači trebaju skupljati karte kako bi formirali vrijednost ruke do 21, a ta bi vrijednost trebala biti veća od djeliteljeve. Vivo Gaming napravio je ovu igru potpuno optimiziranu za mobilne uređaje.

Baccarat uživo u klubu Vulkan Casino

To je jedna od najboljih kolekcija u katalogu Club Vulkan uživo budući da stranica ima širok raspon baccarat online igara s djeliteljima. To je jednostavna kartaška igra donekle slična blackjacku jer također brojite vrijednosti karata i natječete se s djeliteljem. Vivo Gaming poznat je po visokokvalitetnom baccarat online kasinu s djeliteljima, uključujući sljedeće vrhunske ponude koje nudi Club Vulkan:

  • Galaxy Baccarat
  • Vivo Aladdin Baccarat
  • VIP Burgas Baccarat
  • Bugarska Baccarat

Svirke uživo u klubu Vulkan Casino

Izostanak nastupa uživo u klubu Vulkan prilično je razočaravajući jer kasino ima samo neke standardne stolne igre. Igre mogu imati neke dodatne zabavne elemente, poput kupaćih kostima orijentiranih na odrasle koje djelitelji nose u Vivo Aladdin Rouletteu, ali igre s kotačima za novac ili druge vrste emisija uživo potpuno su odsutne.

Bonusi dobrodošlice u Club Vulkan Casinu

Uzimajući u obzir uvjete bonusa za Club Vulkan Casino, RNG i stolne igre uživo ne mogu biti uključene u klađenje, tako da su svi bonusi web mjesta samo za automate i igre s trenutnim dobitkom. Budući da je raspon online igara s djeliteljima uživo u klubu Vulkan prilično ograničen, a igrači također moraju igrati automate kako bi ispunili zahtjeve za promet depozita, ipak ćemo spomenuti neke bonuse iz ovog kasina koje kockari mogu koristiti dok rade s drugim softverom. Bonus dobrodošlice Club Vulkan Casina je serija od 200 besplatnih okretaja na automatu Crazy Monkey. Ovisno o iznosu koji položite ($100, $250 ili $500), vrijednost vrtnje iznosit će $0,19, $0,47 ili $0,93 uz 45x ulog. Ponuda ne zahtijeva casino bonus kod.

Redoviti bonusi u Club Vulkan Casinu

Redovite Club Vulkan Casino promocije također su dostupne samo na automatima i igrama s trenutnim dobitkom. To su povrat novca do 10%, besplatni okretaji, bonusi za utakmice, kolo sreće, lutrije i trgovina u kojoj korisnici mogu kupiti besplatne vrtnje, besplatne žetone ili druge promocije za CP-ove ili stvarna sredstva. Maksimalna oklada s aktivnim bonusom ovisi o statusu i iznosi $2.5 do $30 po rundi. Igrači u Russian Club Vulkan Casinu mogu sudjelovati u turnirima, ali oni su također usmjereni samo na online automate.

Program vjernosti u Club Vulkan Casinu

Club Vulkan Casino program vjernosti omogućuje igračima statuse prema njihovoj kockarskoj aktivnosti. Za $2 potrošenih na automatima, igrači dobivaju 1 CP. Statusi koje korisnici mogu dobiti za ove CP-ove su sljedeći:

  • Novičok: 0 do 100 CP
  • Lubitel: 100 do 500 CP
  • Znatok: 500 do 2500 CPs
  • Specialist: 2500 do 12 500 CP
  • Ovladati; majstorski: 12 500 do 25 500 CP
  • Stručnjak: 25 000 do 50 000 CP
  • Profesionalni: preko 50 000 CP

Ovi se statusi ne mogu zaraditi kada igrate samo igre djelitelja uživo. Međutim, oni se uzimaju u obzir tijekom prometa depozita, pa bi čak i ljubitelji kasina uživo trebali razumjeti kako funkcioniraju.

Sažetak za Club Vulkan Casino

Online casino Club Vulkan legalno je mjesto za kockanje dostupno na ruskom jeziku i namijenjeno lokalnom stanovništvu zbog svojih sustava plaćanja poput QIWI e-novčanika, valute računa RUB i igara lokalnih pružatelja usluga poput Igrosofta. Online casino igre sa pravim djeliteljima nudi samo Vivo Gaming, tako da je biblioteka relativno mala i ovdje nećete pronaći sve vrste stolnih igara s djeliteljima uživo. Međutim, stranica se može pohvaliti različitim verzijama ruleta uživo, uključujući Oracle 360 Roulette koji se prenosi iz pravog kasina. Igrači bi trebali biti oprezni sa zahtjevom za promet depozita u klubu Vulkan jer 2x nije visok, ali bi trebao biti ispunjen samo na automatima, što znači da bi i korisnici djelitelja uživo trebali igrati automate. Bonus za prijavu i druge promocije ne rade s igrama uživo. Imajući sve ovo na umu, Club Vulkan Casino je sasvim prosječna stranica za kockanje uživo koja je jedinstvena zbog svoje potpune optimizacije za publiku koja govori ruski.

Ovaj casino ne prihvaća igrače s vaše lokacije.
Kliknite ovdje provjerite kockarnice koje prihvaćaju igrače iz Sjedinjenih Država.

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