Cricket X Crash Game by smartsoft gaming

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Cricket X
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Cricket X Crash Game by smartsoft gaming Details

🎰 Softver: SmartSoft igranje
📲 Igrajte na mobitelu: IOS, Android
💰 Ograničenja klađenja: $0.10 - $100
🎲 Vrsta igre: Igra sudara
💵 RTP: 96.7% - 98.8%

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Cricket X Crash Game by smartsoft gaming Review

Forget everything you thought you knew about cricket being all polite claps and snoozing under sunny skies. Cricket X crash game ushers the gentleman’s game into the electrified crash arena where fortunes swing rapidly as a single ball blasts off to space while multipliers rise with it. The ball then bursts, resetting the multiplier to start another round.

Blending cricket’s widespread fandom with classic crash games’ addictive volatility, SmartSoft mashed up two beloved forms into one heart-pulsing showcase. This top-quality game shows next-level innovation by simplifying the rules for universal appeal while keeping longtime cricket heads happy. Whether joining the action on desktop or mobile, you can step up for real money crash game action. This comprehensive Cricket X review has all the need-to-know specifications and rules of the game, as well as where to play.

Što je crash igra?

Crash games aren’t your typical slots or table games. Sure, they are RNG-driven, but there’s more to that. They are fast-paced online casino games that blend luck, excitement, and mad strategy into one wild ride. These games centre around quick rounds, unlimited multiplayer capability and sky-high winning potential. Essentially, you place your bets on a multiplier value that shoots up fast before it comes crashing back down. It rises alongside an object, say a plane, rocket, arrow or, in this case, a ball. This object randomly stops rising, which resets the multiplier and starts preps for the next round. The name ‘crash games’ comes from this random stop. So, players keep their eyes on the screen as that number climbs. Then, they cash out on time to secure the bag before that unpredictable crash wipes it all out. 

About Cricket X game

Cricket X brings that same hype and volatility that makes crash games wild but with a sporty cricket twist. It landed on the scene in 2021 from the legendary game creator SmartSoft Gaming. It’s built off a traditional Indian variant that’s been around for years. But they’ve flipped the script entirely for a more engaging and rewarding experience.

Instead of some graph, you witness an animated athlete catapulting a cricket ball skyward, racking up multiplier values before it bursts (crashes). Players must cash out on the ups to secure that sweet money. With players competing worldwide plus lighting-fast rounds, Cricket X challenges your skill and guts like no other cricket game could. 

With a 25,000x maximum multiplier, fast betting options, and smooth cross-device gameplay, this game merges cricket fandom with crash game intensity into one addictive showcase. The Cricket X bet game welcomes all skill levels, too. So whether you are a seasoned pro or a fresh meat thrill-chaser, you can play, but only if you can handle the heat. 

If you’re worried about fairness, this game is fueled by random number generators (RNG). That means outcomes are never in the control of the developer or casino operator. So, stop worrying about the casino changing the scripts in the background. SmartSoft Gaming is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority. So, everything about this is legit and by the book. 

Cricket X game rules

Cricket X brings a fresh twist to casino gaming with its cricket-inspired gameplay and explosive multiplier action. However, it has rules, just like any other online casino game. Players need to familiarise themselves with the key rules and features to play Cricket X for real money. You can easily access them in the navigation pane, but we will make work easier for you. Below is a quick summary of the Cricket X game rules and features.

Double bets

Get ready to double your fun and potential wins with two bets per round. Just tap those + and – buttons to set your stakes on both sides. But remember, you only have seconds before the ball is bowled. Then lock your wagers with ‘Place your bet’ and enjoy twice the action. This feature allows you to place a risky bet alongside a conservative one for security and reduced risk. If you prefer working with a single bet, you can do away with the second bet option.

Auto collect

Cash out automatically at your preferred multiplier value with the auto-collect feature. Pick a value ( can be 1.35x or higher), and let the game lock in your wins automatically. This is an intelligent way to manage your bankroll, maximise gains, and relish the thrill of the Cricket X crash game.

Auto bet

Repeating bet sizes manually every round can be tiresome. However, you don’t need to in this game. Just enable auto bet and chill; it’ll automatically set your wager based on your last bet. Alternatively, you can set the new bet amount and let the game take it from there. Now, you have one less thing to worry about, so you can focus on the gameplay. But remember, you cannot adjust the bets once the game round kicks off.

Volatility and RTP

Pay attention because Cricket X can serve up some huge wins with its high volatility. Likewise, it risks fast losses. Another problem with high-volatility games is that while you can land significant wins, they occur less frequently. But there’s no need to sweat. The 96.7–98.8% RTP has your back for solid payouts over time. To get the highest RTP value (98.8%), you’ll have to bet on the lowest possible crash multiplier – 1.00x.

Minimum and maximum bets

This game welcomes all players to the party. You can bet as low as $0.1 for casual fun or go big with up to $100 wagers for high-roller excitement. If you choose to place two simultaneous bets, you can wager a maximum of $200 per round. In short, the Cricket X casino game has limits for everyone.

Graphics and sounds

This crash game gives you cricket fever in a fast-paced environment. With hyper-realistic HD graphics and spot-on sounds, Cricket X puts you right in the action. First, the imagery of the cricketer, the bat and the ball are creative. And the crowd cheers right between 1.00x to around 1.50 multiplier values, making it even more fun. The icing on the cake has to be the burst sound when the ball actually bursts. It’s an innovative twist on casino games that’s crazy fun. The immersive audiovisual details make you feel like you’re at a real cricket match.

Maximum multiplier and payout

Cricket X has a maximum multiplier of 25,000x, higher than most crash games. Even so, the maximum win per round is $10,000. You can also play with cryptos like Bitcoin. The maximum win will be the BTC equivalent of $10,000.

Game demo

For first-time players, check out the free demo mode to get familiar with the game before playing for real cash. Since it’s identical to the real deal, it’s excellent practice with zero risks. So, don’t be afraid to give it a whirl. The demo is the perfect way to learn the game inside out before you play Cricket X for real money.

In-game chat

As a multiplayer casino game, Cricket X has an in-game chat feature. Reach out and chat with fellow players in real time. Swap tips, share reactions, or just chatter for fun. It’s a fantastic way to connect while you play. The chat feature helps foster a fun social environment with other cricket fans.

Real-time statistics

Stay in the know on all the Cricket X action with real-time stats on the right. Check the Current Stakes, My Bets, and Top Wins (daily, weekly and monthly) categories for the full scoop on what’s happening. This information is vital for making strategic gameplay decisions. Monitoring the live stats helps you make informed betting choices during your session.

Multiplier history

Check the multiplier history on the left to see previous payouts and make informed bets. The values are displayed in either blue or green colour. All values equal to or lower than 1.5 are blue, and those higher than 1.5 are green. Analyse those past coefficients to get a feel for risk levels before you put your cash on the line. Checking the history provides vital context to judge the risk-reward ratio.

Cricket X bet game functions and options

While playing the Cricket X casino game, you will come across the following buttons and options:

  • Place your bet: Start each round by staking between $1 and $100 using the slider below the main game screen, then hit that ‘Place Your Bet’ button to the right to lock it in.
  • Auto bet: Toggle the auto bet button to either allow automatic bets or stop the game from repeating your last bet.
  • Collect: Hit that green ‘Collect’ button after placing your bet whenever you’re ready to cash out.
  • Auto collect: Set a multiplier value from 1.35x up for automatic payouts when you reach it.
  • Multiplier history: Check the panel on the left side to see previous round multipliers. Use that info to analyse risks before staking your cash.
  • Current stakes: The current stakes panel on the right shows what other players are betting in real time. Get the pulse of the action!
  • My bets: Stay on top of your gameplay with the ‘My Bets’ panel on the right displaying your bet history, multipliers, stakes, and payouts.
  • Balance: Your total account balance is displayed at the top (the position may be different depending on the gaming device) next to the main game screen. So you always know where you stand.
  • postavke: Prilagodite svoje iskustvo uključivanjem ili isključivanjem zvuka i glazbe te prelaskom na cijeli zaslon.
  • Pravila: Ako niste sigurni kako nešto u igri Cricket X funkcionira, kliknite ikonu izbornika u gornjem desnom kutu, zatim gumb 'Pravila' i saznajte sve detalje o tome kako igrati.

Crash igre slične Cricket X  

S brzim rundama i visokim potencijalom isplate, crash igre daju trenutni adrenalin s kojim se druge kasino igre ne mogu mjeriti. Međutim, ne postoje dvije iste igre. Kad uzbuđenje igre Cricket X počne nestajati, to je potpuni izazov. Ali ne brinite. Druge slatke igre s padom daju vam isti divlji množitelj prije nego što se sve sruši. Evo kratkih recenzija nekih osvijetljenih alternativa za slično iskustvo:


Aviator vam omogućuje da igrate pilota dok se dižete u nebo. Možete baciti oklade od 0,1$ do $100. S 97% RTP-om možete postići epske pobjede ako su ti množitelji usklađeni kako treba. Maksimalni dobitak ovisi o online kasinu u kojem igrate igru. Neka autoplay preuzme kontrolu i opusti se dok njihova tehnologija Provably Fair sve čini transparentnim. Prilicno slatko. 

Svemirski taksi

Ako ste za međugalaktičku uzbudljivu vožnju, pogledajte Space Taxi tvrtke Lambda Gaming. Možete igrati ležerno s okladama $0.10 ili se potruditi s maksimumom $100. U svakom slučaju, funkcija dvostrukog klađenja definitivno pojačava akciju. Bonus planeti također mogu raznijeti vašu zaradu u hipersvemir sa svojim opakim množiteljima. RTP igre se vrti oko 95 i 96%. Po rundi, najveći dobitak je ograničen na $10,000.

Spasite hrčka

Pomozite sićušnom hrčku po imenu Tom da ostvari svoje snove o svemirskom putovanju u igri Evoplay Save the Hamster. Ova igra ima 96.04% RTP i potencijalne množitelje od 1000x. Minimalne i maksimalne oklade su $1 odnosno $750. Možete osvojiti do 1000x u jednoj rundi ako imate vještine koje vam odgovaraju i možete izbjeći sve prepreke.

Spasi princezu

Ukrcajte se na misiju spašavanja princeze od 7 faza u Turbo igri Save the Princess. Možete se kladiti na bilo koji iznos od $0.10 do $100. Prerano hvatanje oklopa ograničava vaše dobitke. Ali s 95% RTP i množiteljem 81x, epski pobjedi čekaju vašu plemenitu potragu.


Ako volite avione, ali želite nešto svježe, Spribe's Mines vas zove. Otkrijte skrivene zvijezde i izbjegnite eksplozije preko minskog polja. Igra ima 97% RTP i $0.1–$100 ograničenja uloga. Maksimalni dobitak po okladi je $10,000, dok je vrijednost množitelja 5,044,291x (može se promijeniti ovisno o pružatelju igre). Imajte na umu da pojedina kasina mogu postaviti vlastita ograničenja. Općenito, Mines daje novi đir crash igrama.


Kao što je objašnjeno u ovoj recenziji Cricket X, igra prenosi uzbuđenje klasičnih casino crash igara na neistražen teritorij. Ova igra na temu kriketa dodaje sportski štih, s isplatama koje se vrtoglavo mijenjaju u roku od nekoliko sekundi. Njegova grafika, zvukovi i slike savršeno odgovaraju utakmici kriketa. To je vrsta realizma koju mnogi igrači vole.

Spajajući vještinu, strategiju i čistu odvažnost, svaka runda postaje adrenalinska vožnja u kojoj se sreća brzo mijenja usred kaotičnih promjena. Ali to je također ono što uspješno nadvladavanje tih fluktuacija čini tako korisnim. Ograničenja oklada su razumna: $0.1 do $100. Isto tako, RTP igre (96.04%) i maksimalni množitelj (25.000x) su realni. Ali ako se Cricket X igra s padom počne ponavljati, odaberite kreativne alternative kao što su Aviator ili Save the Hamster za novo uzbuđenje.

Ostale igre SmartSoft Gaminga